Cooperation, respect and consideration

I think that, in order for a team to function well, all its members should be shown equal respect and we should strive to have understanding for other people's ideas. However, I also think that it is important to respect yourself, to know your values and possibilities and to advocate your views.
Teamwork is based on working together and respecting each other. While working in a team, people can get closer and the atmosphere is going to be more positive. When respecting one another we are showing that we acknowledge their work and ideas. Members of a team need to push each other and work together under all circumstances in order to succeed.
Working in a team means helping each other to achieve a common goal. To show respect towards the people we are working with means we have to cooperate, accept their ideas and thoughts and make compromises. We need to be supportive and friendly to our team members to make our cooperation easier and enjoyable.
Majority of the time we spend in school or at work, we are surrounded by other people and we work in groups. In this situations is easy to forget about other peopleˋs emotions and thoughts. The best way to show respect and to maintain good cooperation is to listen other`s opinion and to be ready for compromise. Every team member should know how to express thoughts, respect other ideas and be involved in the work.
You can show respect and consideration by doing your job (or homework, studying etc.) on time, put a lot of tought and hard work in to everything you do. You can cooperate as a team member if you listen and respect others, do your part and help others.
When you`re working in a team, you should respect others and their opinions. You shouldn`t work only by yourself and you shouldn`t let others to work alone. Teamwork is dreamwork.
When we work in groups we should always listen to everybodys ideas, we should respect their ideas and thoughts. In order to cooperate everybody in the team must respect others and listen to them.
How can you show respect and consideration at school or at work?
I can show it by actively listening to what my classmates/coworkers have to say and not just pretending to listen while I wait for my turn. I can always try to solve a problem by objectively considering every solution and concluding what the best one is (or finding compromise among more solutions), without pushing on my own ideas if I realize they aren't the best.
How to cooperate as a team member? If a leader is established, they should be treated as such. Everyone's ideas should be respected and taken into consideration. You should try and divide the work among the team members equally, and to make sure the work is divided so each member is doing the work they're best at. You should also be assertive and not let others stop you from speaking your mind if you have something to say.