
João Rodrigo, 16 years, 12th grade, Alvaiázere School:

Assertiveness: the “cure-all” medicine we all needed

Bullying in itself is the action of one trying to prove himself to be better than someone else without taking into consideration the person’s feelings and what might happen afterwards.

You should know that you are not inferior, you need to get your mind as sharp as possible - if you believe you're not inferior, then you are not inferior.

Be assertive towards whoever stops you from pursuing your goals or from believing in yourself, there's no need to be a pushover. There's no relationship out there that exists without a meaning - if there's no positive meaning in your relationship, then there's no reason to maintain it.

Be true to yourself and stand up for your values. Be brave, seek the help from the adults you trust – at home and at school - and stay positive and confident. Don’t let others hurt your feelings or the feelings of someone next to you.

That's the way to be accepted and even admired by your peers.

We all deserve to be happy at school!

“Everybody matters” – a project that comes alive with the contributions of all.